Setting up SSH Server SSH Server Q. what is SSH ?😕 SSH stands for Secure shell SSH provide remote access and provide communication between 2 devices. SSH is very useful connection for the remote access point of view. You can share file,folders, copy , paste,cut , remove and many more thing... Let's being with the practical on termux: Fig. Termux app on Android Step 1: Update and Upgrade the package. Note: It is better whenever you're installing anything on termux or any other shell please update and upgrade the package for better performance and no error's 😉 apt update apt upgrade or apt upgrade -y Step 2: Install ssh Package pkg install openssh nmap -y Fig 2.1 Installing package openssh via nmap Step 3: Basic cmd to check userid and ipaddress whoami It provides the userid or username on the device it is just a random id/name. 2. ifconfig ...